Im from a place where my emotions arent valid enough. My demeanor is too unique therefore i cant sit at your table.
Instability creeps in my sense of home and kidnaps me to only drop me back off. Darkness hovers over my covers as i bury my light underneath my blanketed castle.
Im alone in a room full of people with their attention on me. Flashbacks of screams in the numerous nights, waking up feeling hopeless with no idea how to help.
This is where I’m from. Im from a land not so free because i didn’t feel brave. Where I’m from my sorrow became my comedy. My imagination became my world to escape.
My peace was pieced together mended by my tears. In a room so loud my chaos was quiet within. In a room full of people i look around and seen no one. Blinded by the ways of which i can never understand why must i be so different. Why must i think the way i do, breathe, eat, walk, talk… in all i cringe.
In all I’ve been mimicked, bullied, misunderstood, condemned.
Theres a ringing sensation of build up. It progresses as my heart beats to a thousand drums of fear…
Where I’m from , i had no sense of my destiny, i was passed around without my consent feeling like a silent auction with no sense of worth of my value.
This is where I’m from. Oh say can you see by the dawns early light. I woke and slept , woke and slept , woke and slept and fought every fight. I lost battles and i damn sure thought i was gonna lose the war.
Where I’m from i had to be the toughest soldier for myself, for only at times i questioned my path to the mission. A lost cub searching for a place to call home. Until the cub saw his reflection and saw a lion king building an empire of his own.
Where I’m from no longer serves a purpose.
Its a mere reflection of how much more satisfying it is to see… where I’m going.